A Beacon Of Light To Northeast Denver


"... you were buried with him in baptism, in which you were also raised with him through faith in the working of God, who raised him from the dead."
Colossians 2:12

upcoming Baptism

What is baptism

 Baptism is an "ordinance" because it was ordained or commanded by Jesus - that we should baptize (Mt 28:19) and that all who put their trust in Christ are to receive baptism (Acts 2:38). We joyfully obey this command because it gives us an opportunity to glorify Jesus and draw closer to Him.
However - Scripture does not teach that there is anything supernatural or spiritual about the water and act of baptism itself.  
We practice baptism as a celebration of the supernatural and spiritual work that God is already doing in the heart and life of the new believer.  Which is why we practice what is called "Believer's Baptism"

Believer's baptism

 We believe that Scripture calls all who trust in Jesus as Lord and Savior to be baptized.  We don't to have all of the answers or have our "act together" to come to the waters of baptism, we just need to be committed to obey Christ.  The only requirement is that you be willing to proclaim aloud that you have decided to follow Jesus.
Although there is no set age limit, we do like to make sure that the person understands what it means to repent of their sins and trust in the Lord  Jesus alone for salvation.  for this reason, we do not baptize infants or small children. If you have little ones who you would like to dedicate to the Lord, but are not quite ready to make the decision for themselves come talk to us about a Dedication Ceremony.

baptism in community

Not only does the ordinance of baptism give a new believer a chance to proclaim and celebrate what God has done in their hearts, but it also gives us - the church - a chance to welcome them in or reaffirm their place in our community.
Baptism is a declaration that a person is ready to walk boldly into who God is calling them to be in the community....  We rejoice to see our young believers mature and take that next step in faith. 

some videos of past baptisms and testimonials

Celebrate baptism with us!

More info on Baptism