A Beacon Of Light To Northeast Denver

Youth Ministry

Growing together.

Let no one despise you for your youth, but set the believers an example in speech, in conduct, in love, in faith, in purity

1 timothy 4:12

Middle-School through High School years can be a time of both great joy and great turmoil. This is the age where we have found most kids really take ownership of their spirituality and mature into the next generation of adult worshipers. We believe the best way to help them do this is to teach them three fundamental aspects that we emphasize in all of our adult ministries:  1) The Word - reading, learning and discussing the Bible and how it applies to their lives; 2) Service - we encourage and teach our youth to serve in different ministries in the church and participate in service projects and mission trips; & 3) Christian Fellowship - we love to have fun - camping & retreats, Christian concerts, games - our aim is to build Christian relationships that will carry through High School, college and into adult life.
Of course there's no one-size-fits-all pattern for how this is supposed to happen. That's why relationship and discipleship are key to helping our youth find their own voice in the Lord. Our heart is to give them the tools they need in order to mature as believers and stand firm as they go into the next stage of their lives.

Sunday Mornings


Unless they are serving in another ministry, our 6th-12th graders are expected to join their families for service.

7th - 12th grade

We highly encourage our high schoolers to become full participants in our worship services and to even serve in various ministries in the life of the church.  Some of our high schoolers enjoy serving in the hospitality teams, AV teams, or helping as a mentor in the younger classrooms. 

Thursday nights  6:30-8:00pm

Get Connected. Go Deeper.

 This is where the rubber hits the road - Relationship and Discipleship are at the heart of our youth programs.  our 7-12th graders meet locally in Green Valley Ranch for a small group (location provided when you signup below).  We have time of prayer, fellowship (goofy games) and Bible study - occasionally we discuss Sunday sermon and we always talk about how to live out our faith in our lives. 

youth retreat

service project

Retreat is such an important aspect of the Christian life and we want to provide every one of our youth the opportunity to enjoy. Sometimes we go camping - sometimes we join with partner churches for big youth retreats.  
We will be posting something for this summer soon!
We encourage our youth to participate in service projects or mission trips from time to time. Whether we are helping out someone in the community with yardwork,  cleaning up a local playground or building a church in another country - we believe that our youth are just as capable and equipped to show Christ's love as any of us.
Keep your eyes open for our next service opportunity

Contact Us

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