A Beacon Of Light To Northeast Denver


... be my witnesses in Jerusalem and in all Judea and Samaria, and to the end of the earth.

Acts 1:8

Christ has given us our marching orders - "make disciples of  ALL nations" - in His Great Commission (Matthew 28:19-20).  So ... we obey. We partner with and support ministries and missions from our very back yard - all of the way onto other continents. And we are always looking for new ways to serve and missions to be involved with.

local missions

Christian Riders in faith -MOTORCYCLE MINISTRY

More than a motorcycle club with a Christian theme.  These are the hands and feet of Jesus in some of the roughest and most broken places in our city - from the homeless on West Colfax to the hungry in Thornton

Christian Riders is an outreach ministry under the direction of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. Their only goal is to share the gospel of Jesus Christ. CRIF is a group of caring men and women called to be laborers and feed the spiritually and physically hungry. They come, God sends those in need, Jesus shows up.!
Every day of the week. you'll find the ministry serving "the least of these" either with a weekly food bank, Bible studies several days a week, going out to reach the lost with motel feeding ministries in 2 locations. and many special events.

This group needs MORE. from us, More donations, more people who speak Spanish and more people like yourself who are willing to share the "Love of God" to those in need during their Thursday evening ministry time. You don't have to ride a bike or wear leather, just bring the heart of Jesus and you'll find a caring family to welcome you  as we serve the needs together. Sign up today and let them know you want to love the lost too!

Local Missions

Esther House

Esther House is a safe place for women who have been victims of sex trafficking. Here women are helped with sobriety, taught trades and disciplines, They not only find a place to stay, their physical needs are met and are surround with the love of Jesus.  Participants heal, emotionally and physically. They learn to live independently and are discipled in the Lord Jesus Christ - the true Healer.  

We at Calvary GVR have the opportunity to support the house.   As of now, we do special projects with them, them maintain the home, procure appliances, furniture and donate to them monthly.
You are welcome to give to them online at odmdenver.org/donate, but know that you need to choose "still waters housing" as the designation and write "Esther house" in your comments.
Ester House is a project of  Open Door Ministries. Through focus in four areas of Housing, Kids & Youth programs, Leadership Development, and outreach to the community, they provide support for individuals to find stability, practical help, and spiritual hope! Open Door moves people toward self-sufficiency by helping change circumstances and life patterns. Still Waters Housing is an arm of Open Door who provides safe transitional housing for women leaving homelessness, addictions, and the sex industry.

local missions

Safe Haven

When there is violence in the community, it can be hard to feel safe and hopeful. Safe Haven is a Faith Lead community initiative to come alongside communities that have experienced recent violence.  Safe Haven puts out an "Activation" when there is a public tragic act of violence in a neighborhood - particularly involving young people.

When there is an activation in NE Denver, Calvary GVR leadership comes alongside  Safe Haven and CRIF   to host an event in the affected neighborhood.  At this event, we offer free food to anyone who comes - we pray with and for members of the community and we show the love and compassion of Christ to a broken community. Before a Safe Haven event, members of the Calvary GVR body help  distribute flyers in the neighborhood, and we come together to on the day of the event to help love and pray for the community. 


Little Light JAB - more info coming soon

Rescuing Children from Sex Trafficking

Serving children rescued out of human/sex trafficking in Colorado.  1 in 7 children reported to the National Center for Missing and Exploited Children became victims of sexual trafficking.
We’re spreading awareness of local sex trafficking to educate people on what to look for and how to help when they come across signs of trafficking near them.  
Child trafficking is the buying and selling of kids under the age of 18 for the purpose of exploitation, perpetrated by force, fraud or coercion.
Child trafficking happens across the globe, including all 50 U.S. states, and in OUR neighborhoods

Our Mission is to  help those who have endured the unthinkable.
To create a safe haven for healing, restoration, education, job training
and a relationship with Jesus. Walk with them through the healing process.
Lead them to a life that’s whole, healed, filled with joy and the promise of a bright future

                      JOin with us to end this unspeakable evil.
Let us know you're interested and we'll be in touch with the current needs in your area

International Missions

Cuenca Christian Chiurch - more info coming soon

More info coming soon 

International missions

Operation Christmas Child

Together we send the Good News of the Gospel, 
The Love of God and give Great Joy to children in need  around the world!

• Operation Christmas Child simple shoebox gifts lead to evangelism of over 10 million children in 2022,
• Children become Disciples of Christ through our 12 lesson discipleship course, The Greatest Journey.
•  4 new believers  come in the Kingdom every 60 seconds, 24/7 because of the love of people like you.
• Every year, in over 120 counties, nearly 1000 new churched are planted, by the seed of the simple gift.
• Unreached people groups and countries where the name of Jesus is forbidden hear the Good News
• Every day, every where ,Jesus' Great Commission is lived out, even to the ends of the earth, by a shoebox.

 • Have a part in  saving millions of children every year!
• Serve God around the world, without ever leaving home.

• Are you ready to follow Jesus' call to go to the nations?
• You're needed not just at Christmas time, but throughout the year
• We'll show you what it means to be a member of our Operation Christmas Child team

Calvary GVR has a robust, passionate group of believers who are creating shoeboxes for children this year.
Let us know that Jesus is touching your heart to share his love with a child . You can build a shoebox online today, Host a Packing Party. Fill shoeboxes year round or just in the fall, even give a tax deductible donation to help with
 shipping.  Whatever your desire Calvary GVR  has a place for you!    fill out the form below, we'll contact you ASAP

Be a Part of the Calvary GVR Operation Christmas Child Team

I want to know more about where I'll fit on the team

“And Jesus came and said to them, ‘All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me. Go therefore and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit,
teaching them to observe all that I have commanded you. And behold, I am with you always, to the end of the age’”  
Matthew 28:18-20, ESV