A Beacon Of Light To Northeast Denver


Jesus said, "Let the little children come to me..."

Matthew 19:14

Grade School is an intense period of development as children are learning about themselves and about God. Children in these age ranges tend to be very inquisitive, they learn through story-telling, play and artwork. They need safe adults who will answer their questions and help cultivate a sense of joy and wonder about the things of God. They may not have the attention span of our older students, but they are always soaking in and learning.  We aim to keep them engaged and active - with age appropriate curriculum and a variety of different activities that work with different learning styles (and of course snacks).

Sunday Mornings


We currently have two classrooms for grade-school aged children during our worship service:  4k - 1st Grade; and 2nd - 5th Grade.  They are located in the hallway adjacent to the foyer. 
*all of our volunteers who serve with minors are background checked, screened and specially trained. Check-in procedures only allow authorized parent and/or guardian to pick up and drop off minors in their classrooms.  All entrances to classrooms with minors are regularly monitored by security team.

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